Driving around animals

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backlinks_iconWhat is a drivers’s responsibility to animals being ridden, led, or herded on the roadway?
Drivers must yield to animal riders and livestock (horses, mules, donkeys, cattle, swine, sheep or goats).  Animal riders and herders have the same roadway rights and responsibilities as motorists, except where the laws have no application.  Approach animals cautiously.  Pass wide and slow.  Local communities can regulate animals such that they’re restricted to certain paths or prohibited on certain streets.   ORS 814.140, 810.100

If the animal rider or livestock herder raises their hand, that’s a distress signal.  Motorists must stop and, if requested, turn off their engines until the livestock is under control.  Failure to comply is a class B traffic violation.   ORS 811.510, 814.150

backlinks_iconWhat are Corvallis’s city-level restrictions regarding animal-related transportation?
1.) Equine cannot be ridden or led in any park except upon a roadway, designated parking area, or designated bridle path. Corvallis Municipal Code
2.) No livestock may be led, driven, or ridden on any sidewalk.  Corvallis Municipal Code

backlinks_iconWhat is a driver’s responsibility if they hit a domestic animal?
Stop.  Attend to the animal.  Contact the owners, or if unavailable, the police.  Failure to do these is a class B traffic violation.  ORS 811.710

backlinks_iconCan bicyclists ride while leading their dog on a leash?
Yes.  Yield to cyclists and their dogs in traffic lanes and bike lanes.  Pass animals wide and slow.  Traffic lawyer explains.